The same guy with the bedroom stack, Brent Hansen, shows off his big exhaust at the diesel shop.
The same guy with the bedroom stack, Brent Hansen, shows off his big exhaust at the diesel shop.
Guess what Brent Hansen (hansen5.9) is doing with a smoke stack in his bedroom?
Fuckin worth it.
Probably wanted that white tip to show off the dirty soot
Shows it off while it’s running
SOOT LIFE was a brand here in Orlando a few years back started by Brad Cox. Brad drove a 2001 Platinum Edition Powerstroke 7.3 which like the name says put out some good soot from the stacks.
Their slogan was “If you’re blowin’ the black smoke, then you’re livin’ the soot life” which was awesome with their logo
Their logo was a gas mask showing how nasty the exhaust was from their dirty diesels. Anybody behind the soot life gang without a mask had to breathe that toxic soot right in
This is Brian Cox’s truck showing the soot life exhaust on the Florida roads
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My friends 2002 twin turbo’d powerstroke… sounds sick… stage 1 injectors, built tranny, electric fans, custom painted everything, smoked tails, 20″ welds, badass truck… POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT!
Not everybody who lives around San Francisco is a hippie environmentalist. He’s a bi guy who drives a diesel Mercedes 300 who loves the smell. He was spotted on a gay hookup site, so there may be some exhaust pipe barebacking soon.
Lifted diesel = sex!