Tag: Stacks
Smoking Up the Wedding
Beer Money Pulling Team’s Pollution
Beer Money Pulling Team shows off the environmental impact of their pulling tractor!
Super Polluting Work Truck
Gotta support the company driving this nasty 1994 Kenworth from when they didn’t give a fuck about spewing black soot into the atmosphere!
Hansen5.9 shows off his big stack in public

The same guy with the bedroom stack, Brent Hansen, shows off his big exhaust at the diesel shop.
Smoke Stack in the Bedroom
Guess what Brent Hansen (hansen5.9) is doing with a smoke stack in his bedroom?
Rock Quarry Smoking
Gabe Foss on YouTube shows the nasty clouds being blown out of the stacks at the rock quarry. Looks like he even got to get in the loader and do some polluting for the video!